28 May 2014

Monthly Baby Photos

I cannot believe how much Cecelia is growing day by day, let alone month by month. I have so much enjoyed taking these pictures, and making these notes each month about her development and growth. It's fascinating to watch her change and grow so darn fast. Today is my sister-in-law's high school graduation, and right now to us that seems like more than 100 years away for Cecelia, but I'm already finding it tricky to remember what it was like to have a brand new baby in the house. I forget sometimes what those first few days and weeks were like, and I can't remember what a 7 lbs baby feels like to hold and handle anymore. I am glad I've kept up so far with these pictures, and think it will be a lot of fun to watch as they keep passing us by.

19 May 2014

"Sometimes I've Believed as Many as Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast"

 This quote is one of my favourites. It comes from the timeless tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll. I feel that every little girl should grow up knowing that it's perfectly okay to have an imagination. So often we try to get our little kids to learn and grow and live in our adult world, and yet the fact remains that they do not belong there. They should be allowed to form their own views and opinions of the world, untarnished by the restrictions of reality. If each child grew up in our world as we know it today, our world would never change. We are constantly in need of the powerful influences of our children's dreams, and as many of them as we can get.

15 May 2014

Home from Halifax

I love visiting Halifax, Nova Scotia. I lived there for about 5 years as a teenager, and my family lives there still. The city inspires me creatively, and I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending a lovely afternoon downtown and on the waterfront.
I was a bit saddened to see it in a bit of a drearier state than usual this visit though. Rent for shops downtown has sky rocketed, and most small businesses that I have always enjoyed visiting have had to close their doors. So many of the little buildings and shops that I adore are sitting empty for months with For Rent signs in the windows. It is becoming a city that is increasingly hard on small business, and successful stories are fewer and farther between. What a sad story.
One place that I love and always make sure I visit is the Halifax Seaport Market, though even it has dwindled slightly from when I shared a booth there two years ago with my mom. She has kept her booth there and has developed the lines she produces. I love seeing her booth mostly, because I just think it's so neat and inspiring to see what she's done for herself. She is where I get all of my creative energy and drive.
I am feeling excited about the beginning of this new adventure, and ready to actually give it a real shot now. I often freak myself out with all my doubts and fears and hesitations, but my mom always said to me, as her father said to her, "somebody's going to do it, why can't it be you." And that is the attitude I've always tried to keep as I embark on any kind of creative task or adventure or pursuit.

6 May 2014

My Special Project

I am so much enjoying being at home with my baby girl Cecelia. Since February my world has been completely turned upside down - in all the good and the hard ways. I've had to adjust to a completely new way of life, but out of it I've gotten the greatest gift a person could ask for. Cecelia has already taught me so much more about life and myself and my aspirations than anything else I've ever tried to do. Being her mother has been so much more enjoyable, and has come so much more naturally for me than I ever thought it would have.
Having said all of that, I still need something I can do for myself and to use my extra time (not that I have tons of it or anything like that). I needed a hobby that was fun for me and that I could see results from instantly (because so much of being a parent is in the long term results I won't get to see for months and years). And so, Dear Cecelia was born. A creative outlet, sense of accomplishment, and maybe, someday in the future, a way for me to stay in my home with my baby girl, and out of the office.
This little corner of the internet is my collection of inspirations that have come and continue to come and I sit and watch my little girl.